today i imagine myself meandering through the streets of some foreign land, tracing and retracing my steps, keenly observing its people, soaking everything in: buoyant laughter tinkling in the air, virgin sights and novel sounds pervading my senses all together in a split second.
i'm curious as to how it feels to spend some "me time" like this - alone, an outsider, a new face, a total stranger possibly trying to get her life back on perspective or perhaps a lost soul desperately attempting to find herself in a maze of endless "what if's" and "why not's."
will it be easy? will i allow myself to cower in fear and doubt or will i instead choose to embrace the unknown with a trusting and hopeful heart? will i be able to taste freedom in its truest sense? will i find happiness that until now constantly slips through my fingers? will i discover inner peace?
a whisper of comfort touches my ear, bringing a smile to my lips, making my eyes crinkle for a little while.
i think i can do this: be a nameless and bold person for some time, live a life absolutely different from what i have right now, meet unfamiliar people, forge unusual friendships, create true and lasting relationships, never ever writing off that Big Guy up there from this journey of mine... ;-p
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