Wednesday, July 16, 2008


i feel that everyone's ganging up on me. it's kinda quiet and deserted here...nobody understands me (my mood swings, quirks, idionsyncracies).

is it simply because we don't have the same frame of mind or does it have something to do with their shallow thinking or narrow-mindedness? i guess, the latter is more like it.

i don't want the spotlight, i'd rather stay in the shadows. i don't need praises & compliments, i prefer honest talks and unpretentious conversations. i crave genuine friendships and true friends, not meaningless alliances and hypocrisy. somehow, this is a tall order which is rarely found in this borrowed home / country of mine.

i miss my family who tolerates my tantrums and comforts me when the going gets tough / rough; i miss my friends who know me inside & out, who laugh at my sometimes-corny jokes, who share my tears, whose ideas / way of thinking / thoughts gel with mine. we're smart people, i know that...and smarties are hard to find nowadays.

how unfortunate of me to be working / dealing with people who don't have the sense to leave other people alone, who don't know the difference between tolerance and rudeness (except for a few).

on the other hand, i'm lucky because i have a handful of just-a-text-away / just-a-call-away / just-a-chat-away / just-an-email-away pals who are far more intelligent than all of them put together and who know the DIFFERENCE.

guess, only smart people understand smart people.


cathy perez said...

it really takes one to know i one of those who are an e-mail/chat away? I'd like to think i am...hahahha!

gypsy said...

you guessed it right, cath. ;-)

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