Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Of Being Back and Running Out of Ideas

One year. No, one year and almost 4 months, to be exact, since I last wrote something. That long!

Guess I just got tied up with photography. Not some serious photography stuff really; nothing of the sort that would let you earn big bucks. I kinda started this "Project 365" thing wherein you have to take a picture of any subject every single day. It's like documenting your everyday activities, moves and actions—basically your life—through pictures.

I was very enthusiastic at first, welcoming each day with so much anticipation, head brimming with ideas. I have done research on the Internet, checked other photographers' pictures, experimented, tried new techniques... then suddenly, I ran out of brilliant ideas.

In between taking pictures for my "project," I joined photowalks with my photographer friends and attended photography workshops. Add to that, I now spend my Fridays playing badminton, the sport that I have always loved.

I have used my DSLR for the most part of the "photo sessions," my camera phone when I don't have my DSLR with me, and have even purchased a new lomo camera (for variety, methinks)... still, I ran out of ideas. :-)

I am supposed to be done with the "project" last month but I am still 64 pictures short. My roomie told me that I have defeated its purpose. "I know," I answered her with a smile knowing in my heart that I have committed myself to it and am determined to see it to the finish.

Meanwhile, lemme go back to writing...

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